Make Change is a game where players create prototypes for new financial services. Anyone can play, from the hacker to the poet, and the game is great for meetups, conferences, or any event where people are learning about financial inclusion.

Make Change is a game where players create prototypes for new financial services. Anyone can play, from the hacker to the poet, and the game is great for meetups, conferences, or any event where people are learning about financial inclusion.
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Hi, I’m Vanessa–I’m the Learning Lead at P2PU, which means I work on how to get peers to learn from each other. About a week ago I found myself at , which is like a lock-in for nerdy adults of all stripes. The organizers made some novel design choices for their event, which got me churning about conferences and gender in general. As a Learning Designer by training (and a riot grrrl by trade) I think about how to structure experiences to alleviate and make an environment . What follows is the research that informs my thinking, and a few concrete ideas for how to design a conference for equity, interaction and learning.
About 270 passionate people came together last weekend at the Google offices in Chicago and spent nearly 40 straight hours with each other. The format was an unconference, so the content of the event was generated by the campers. It was the best event I can remember, and I wanted to give props to the Ordcamp design crew on the following points:
These event design choices enable a safe learning environment. I heartily recommend focusing on the personal and designing for a mix of folks to prompt serendipity.
Unconferences can be nerve-wracking. Pushing for a session spot, the expectation to “jump right in” to conversations, a sea of unfamiliar faces–this stuff is stressful if you aren’t competitive or extroverted. The Ordcamp design crew had thought about this. At the plenary, all of the ladies were instructed to stand up, walk outside the room, and then we had first crack at the session board. I was a little unnerved by being identified as a woman, walking by all the dudes, and not knowing why I was exiting the room. But (but but but!) I totally appreciate how the organizers at Ordcamp recognized the power dynamic at play. Let’s walk through a bit of neuroscience to give potential solutions some shape.
I asked several ladies at Ordcamp if, at tech events, they count how many women are in a room. Each of them said “every time.” When we (women) walk into a room, the automatic instinct is to find out if we belong there. For better and for worse, that’s usually a visual indicator–are there people who look like me in the room? Am I welcome? The research backs this instinct up–findings suggest that the sex ratio in a room has a direct effect on female performance (). Also visible female role models (at all levels of engagement) can help ameliorate anxiety about performance (; ). So conference organizers, pay these bits mind when you’re putting together your planning committee, invitations and panels. How we feel has a massive impact on learning and performance. We can help overcome anxiety and stereotype threat by designing for small interactions, empathy and prompting a culture to gel.
With any design project, I like to start with identifying certain design principles or priorities. When it comes to an event, I’d outline these as
That way we can look at each interaction we design and see if it meets those priorities. For an unconference (for Ordcamp in particular, since they are great), I’d recommend the following:
Event design is both an art and a science. Most of the time, the easiest option doesn’t nurture interaction or growth. And that’s what we want–humans interacting with each other. As peers.
For my 30th birthday, I knew that my friends—about half nerds, half hippies—might not have a lot to talk about. So I created a “Bingo”-type game to prompt them to interact and learn what “community” means in both tech and liberal arts culture.
Together with , we hatched a plan to revamp the hackathon, peer-learning style. The event was , and took place in September 2012 at the . 44 storytellers and hackers came together to tell stories. A full recap of our learning design and projects .