Coworking Well: Social Design for Learning
Highlights from my graduate research at Harvard University with Howard Gardner. Full paper (with protocol and coding rubric)
Highlights from my graduate research at Harvard University with Howard Gardner. Full paper (with protocol and coding rubric)
As a learning community, P2PU is part of a larger ecosystem of online education with different trends, economic models and approaches to recognition and measurement. From where we sit, assessment is the biggest hurdle to innovation in how people learn. It is designed around the way learning was structured in the past. Every learner was expected to master the same body of knowledge, going at the same speed, using the same learning resources and approaches.
The web has changed the way we learn. The way we recognize learning hasn’t.
Online, we are distributed, and so are our curiosities and interests. There is no “one size fits all” model of the internet. The web calls us to participate in a way that makes us uniquely equal. Sparks of interaction, conversations, moments of feedback on the web are truly peer-to-peer, and assessment on the web needs to reflect this shift.
Why are people signing up for code bootcamps? What’s the difference between the ones that cost $13,000 and the ones that are free? This research project looked at groups like OpenTechSchool, , CoderDojo, DevBootCamp and Freeformers to see where they overlapped, differed, succeeded and failed. I looked at cultural cohesion, learning design, and and how each group defines mastery and measures success. These are the interviews.