Stanford Social Innovation Review
Lessons from Inside a Nonprofit Accelerator “Boot Camp”
Lessons from Inside a Nonprofit Accelerator “Boot Camp”
Overview of how we are bootstrapping peer learning initiatives over at
Four week-long online course to bring folks together to learn from each other. Over 4,000 folks showed up to learn together. Designed in concert with Chloe Varelidi, Director of Global Community at littleBits.
Prototype of peer learning activities for
Presented at the Embassy Network, April 24, 2015
Listen at:
Links from the show:
Presented with pal at MozFest 2014 in Ravensbourne, London UK
We know designing a creative, participatory community can be tricky. We’re here to help you craft assignments that rule, build an audience and support you along the way. You’ll even learn a few technical skills in the process. Don’t worry, 1s and 0s wash off pretty easily.
Delivered at #Opened14 Conference in Washington DC on November 21, 2014.
Links mentioned:
Just kidding.
For ’s Learning Technologies course at New York University’s ITP program, I asked the students:
- How do you learn best?
- Describe a time you learned something new.
From there we look at ways to build technologies that reflect how we learn best–via learning projects and helping each other.
Learning Products referenced:
Resources on Creative Learning and Community
- Mitch Resnick, “All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking)
I Learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten”
- Clay Shirky, “Love, Internet Style"
- Ana Hevesi,
- Alex Hillman, "To build a strong community, stop “community managing”, be a Tummler instead.”
- Vanessa Gennarelli, “Rethinking Assessment, Supporting Diversity"
- Philipp Schmidt, "The Great Peer Learning Pyramid Scheme"
It’s a damp evening in Brooklyn, and I’m having dinner with a dear friend who is also interested in online communities. Since we’re both borderline obsessed with the topic, the conversation turns to the difference between the “non-profit” and “for-profit” approaches to community. She dropped the word “scale” and my face drew to a pucker.
“But Vanessa,
I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want your successes to spread?”
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